I made my first pandemic-related post almost a year ago, and while I haven’t touched on the subject much since then—there are plenty of other virus-related articles out there—a near-anniversary seems the perfect time to broach the topic again.
(Well, that and I've focused more on health-related content this past year.)
So, it’s been over a year since COVID turned our world upside down. So much has happened:
- Over 570,000 deaths have been reported in the United States; over 2 million worldwide.
- People lost jobs, businesses folded, and schools closed.
- Nursing homes suffered greatly from outbreaks, resulting in so many deaths of our older population.
- While many individuals suffered but recovered from COVID, others became long haulers and continue fighting lasting effects daily.
Rising numbers…again.
It seems the United States is looking at yet another surge. Every day feels like a roller coaster, with positive cases rising, falling, plateauing, and rising again. We all have pretty much the same questions: When will this end? When can we get back to normal?
We’re definitely working on it. The scientific community has made amazing progress in developing multiple vaccines that are proving effective against serious illness and death from COVID. And about 20% of Americans have been vaccinated so far, so that’s good news.
But challenges still remain.
A big one is that 1 in 4 Americans say they will refuse getting a shot, which puts attaining herd immunity at risk. Reasons for refusal include concerns about side effects, vaccine distrust, and an infiltration of misinformation regarding the vaccine.
Let’s make progress!
These are big hurdles to clear, but the good news is that healthcare professionals have the power to play an important role in sharing positive information that will ideally convince more people to take the vaccine.
This outreach is so very important! So how can medical VIPs go about sharing the message that—in their expert and valued opinion—the vaccine is safe and effective?
Sharing key messages has never been easier.
Healthcare pros can (and should!) use the following mediums to communicate that they support vaccines. Because they’re viewed as knowledgeable and trustworthy by their patients, they are a key spokespeople to help get our country back on track and beat infections by encouraging vaccines, addressing patient doubt about receiving the vaccine, and dispelling the many myths that are circulating about vaccine safety.
These tips are specifically for anyone who works in healthcare.
Update your website with facts and current data. It wouldn’t hurt to add a few quotes from patients who have received the vaccine and who feel better about socializing (safely) again and returning to activities they love.
Share blog posts to showcase your office staff that have received the vaccine, share news about vaccine progress, and reiterate how important it is for individuals to protect themselves and others against COVID.
Tap into social media and leverage your Facebook page, Instagram account, YouTube channel, or other social mediums. These are all super powerful ways to share your message! Post updates, facts, photos of vaccine recipients, or videos by your staff supporting vaccinations.
Use your patient portal to communicate important COVID-related information: safety tips, local metrics, and updates about opportunities to get the vaccine in your office (if you offer it) are just a few ideas.
Text reminders to your patients who have gotten their first shot to return for their second. Keep the progress moving forward!
It’s almost unfair to ask our already overwhelmed medical professionals to add more duties to their plate, so if you know of any medical folks who are ready to step up their COVID vaccine messaging through content creation, I’m happy to help.
Stay safe and stay well!